If you are having video issues when you try to watch Gaia, it may be due to an issue with the content itself, your device settings, or your network connection. Follow the steps for your device below to resolve the issue.
Gaia supports most current Roku models (available for purchase at www.roku.com):
For the best Gaia experience on Roku, we recommend the following devices:
- Roku Ultra (4640)
- Roku Premiere+ (4630)
- Roku Streaming Stick+ (3810)
- Roku 4 (4400)
- Roku Premiere (4620)
The following Roku devices are also supported but will not perform as reliably with the Gaia app due to hardware and memory limitations:
- Roku Streaming Stick, HDMI (3500)
- Roku 1, SE (2710)
- Roku 2 (4210)
- Roku 3 (4230)
When a video plays in lower-than-expected quality or continues to buffer, then it’s likely due to your internet speed (bandwidth) or your device’s processing speed.
As Gaia is a streaming service, having access to a stable internet connection is crucial for quality viewing. For optimal streaming, we recommend a minimum speed of 5.0 Mbps.
To check your internet connection, follow the steps below:
- Go to “Settings” on the home screen.
- In the settings under “Network,” you will find the speed of your internet.
Try to log out of your Gaia account before logging back in. To do this, follow these steps below:
- From the home page of your Gaia app, click the left side navigation menu and go to your account.
- Click “log out” from the menu.
- Log back in using your credentials.
To update your Gaia app, please follow the steps below:
- On the home screen, scroll down and select the “Settings” menu.
- Scroll down and select the “System” option.
- Then click “Software Update.”
- Finally, click the “Check Now” option. This will check for both Roku system updates and Gaia app updates.
To restart your device, follow the steps below:
- From the home screen, select “Settings.”
- Select “System,” then “Power,” and then “System restart.”
Restarting your home network can help to refresh your connection and improve video playback.
To do this, please follow the steps below:
- Unplug your modem (and your wireless router, if it's a separate device). Leave them both unplugged for 30 seconds.
- Plug in your modem and wait until the indicator lights are on. If your router is separate from your modem, plug your router in and wait until the indicator lights are back on.
- Connect your TV and open the Gaia app.
- Turn off or unplug your smart TV.
- Plug your smart TV directly into your modem using an Ethernet or LAN cable.
- Unplug your modem from power for at least 30 seconds, then plug it back in and wait until no new indicator lights are blinking on.
- Turn on your smart TV and try opening the Gaia app again. Ensure your network settings are configured to an Ethernet setting.